Monday, August 16, 2010

Ex/10Q (August 2010)

This month, we are featuring Hans, a chirpy and generous bloke we've met who's based in London. He has been posting remixes of the latest contemporary hits for the world via his blog "W-A-I-S-T-E-D", before he decided to shut it down for good. Along the way, he has stumbled across a few fellow remix aficionados, including us. This interview is dedicated to his great work, and we will certainly miss his blog!
Name, Star Sign, Location?
Hans (aka: W-A-I-S-T-E-D), Sagitarius, London UK

How did you come to know about our blog?
Sheer luck really; I was looking for some musical happiness and like a sign from above: There you were :-)

Who’s your favourite artiste?
Easy one, the Ulimate Princess Of Pop; KYLIE (Although she really should be Queen of Pop now, given that Madonna is like 103 or something and be put in a retirement home under lock 'n key).

Which is your most favourite DJ ExMen mix?
That's a tricky one; I'd have to say: Pride 2010 - The collaboration between W-A-I-S-T-E-D & ExMen. If that one is not allowed: Easy too: Gaga

What megamix would you like to see on our blog (not done before) in the future?
Jimmy Somerville/Bronski Beat/Communards

If you can have dinner with anyone famous (dead or alive), who would it be?
Preferably a well know & renowned plastic surgeon, so I can get lots of free work done.

What are 3 brands (of anything) that you like most?
Bols Zeer Oude Jejever, Eros Silicone Lubericant and Caballero Filter Cigarettes

What was the last country/city that you visited and where would you like to go next?
Amsterdam for A'dam Pride (Last week) and for the next one: NYC (Hopefully for Christmas 2K10)

If you're competing for Mister Universe, what would be your answer to "what does the world need right now?", besides "world peace"?
THE cure for HIV/AIDS



If you are keen to be featured (there's no criteria whatsoever, so long as you dig our mixes and don't mind making a friend or two via our blog), drop us an email or a note in Facebook.

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